
New UTON website at https://ko-fi.com/uton_ [this post was updated 11th April. price of support reduced]

This platform is for the exclusive UTON & related material. At the moment there's three videos for the supporters. With 2€ one time payment or monthly, you have an access to the content, which is not available in any other place. 

The same website offers also a new SHOP area, where you can buy digital albums (probably physical items also at some point). I chose Ko-fi for this, because Bandcamp's fee policy went too expensive and unmoral. Hopefully Ko-fi keeps itself enough small and nothing running after the dirty money of the big businesses. 

You can see the preview clips of the exclusive Ko-fi content at VAWAVAWA youtube channel (old name given spontaneously, might be changing at some point, who knows)









New UTON album THE DARK INFILTRATION was released few days ago (only digitally). This is also available at the Ko-fi shop. Recorded already in the end of 2020, with Minibrute and MinilogueXD synths. It's a dark and trippy sound experiment to the Sabbatean cult and it's tentacles. The album got its inspiration and theme from Robert Sepehr's book "1666 - Redemption Through Sin" Check more information at https://uton.bandcamp.com/album/the-dark-infiltration. Here's a preview: