14th January 2025
I highly recommend to check Michael Tsarion's videos, interviews, documentaries, website, writings etc. Here is one very good documentary film:
3rd January 2025
25th December 2024
25th November 2024
Two excellent interviews to check, filled with interesting and important information. Not about music, but everything's connected, so here we go...
27th September 2024
A lot of new recordings made recently, and most part of it made outside. It's a pleasant way to play, to find a nice peaceful spot and then playing with a small battery powered amp, contact microphone and several different small instruments. Some part of that captured on video, and you can see more at https://www.youtube.com/@_u_t_o_n_
The collection of field recordings is getting bigger also; that stuff will be used from sampling, or layered with other recordings outside or inside. Many possibilities. It's a mess in my computer, but I am working to keep it under control (it's hard, but not impossible). There are already many, around 8-10 Uton albums nearly finished (just waiting to get message from a record label, so I could be motivated to do the pre-mastering) + material for 5-6 Yksi albums... and that's not all; there are couple of things more which I don't yet know those would fit under Uton, Yksi or what. And then there are couple of collaboration works going on... new Gryke Pyje LP coming at some point, but looks like it goes to Spring´25. New Yayoba cassette soon available... + few others. New UTON vinyl LP also coming, but more about that a bit later.
The world is insane. We have the change to have a true beauty, love and understanding, but for some stupid reason, some whacky psycopathic idiots decided that it's not a good idea, because their God says so, and their ancestors told it that way, and it's written in their holy book; that artificial wisdom, a total opposite of how things really should be. Their tentacles are almost everywhere, and their slaves are smiling on TV and telling how we should all just follow their way. They paint their way with shiny golden colours, but when we open the door and check deeper into their labyrinth, we very soon notice how rotten and smelly is their kingdom. It might go too far for many to say that there must be some other non-human race behind this, because their acts are also non-human. What do we know? They don't teach that stuff in schools. They actually want to teach us the basic stuff to keep us ignorant for the deeper meanings - and they manage. Their propaganda is strong, and it sucks. Souls are drying and weeping, and the new army of zombies rising again and again.
But no need to become depressed. We might still have hope. Do we? Shouldn't we even try? How could we live if we don't try? It might be easier for some people to hide in the shadows, but at some point the zombie-death-cult will eat the soul away if we leave our higher will. These words are just something - probably easy to understand the point, but if not; better to read slower and with thoughts. Could be better to write a book and explain better. Many wrote already, and some of us are reading. Some are studying this stuff, because there's a real need.
11th March 2024
So, what are we actually doing here? What's the point? To fulfill our personal needs and then to just die as everything was accomplished and a lot of satisfaction was experienced? For most of us it's the materialistic needs which are ruling our lives. It's everywhere around us. We have been made to be consumers, and not just consumers, but happy consumers! The more we need, the more THEY will get. Who are they, and why are we programmed to need so much things, which are not actually essentially important? We might have ideas who they are, and how they look like, how bad they are, how unfair is the life etc, but what are we actually doing to break that system? Do we really think that walking to record shop to buy more records, and then waking up next morning back to the shitty job will change the world? If not, then what are we thinking? What are our real actions to change anything in this world for better? Of course for our own mental health is important to take care of our own natural mind/body system, our spirit. Music can be a great tool for that, but not only the music, but the real ATTENTION for it, or for any art. This might help us to relax, feel better inside of us, or even experience something "outer limits", and if we are brave enough, that might even help us to change how we see the world, and how we think about it - and then, what are we going to DO for it.
As a humanity we are in a deep illusion. We see there are still a lot of wars, murders, killing, violence, theft, rapes, etc - and we see how many governments are actually supporting that shit, and how "in our democratic world" we had a chance to actually vote those idiots to lead us. It's a really perverted mind system, slavery for the idiots and assholes. As a person in alternative underground culture (what we might think we are, more or less) we can easily agree: the system sucks, and our leaders are shit. But what are we going to do for it? Waiting for the next election so we could give a vote to one of those morons? Just waking up for the shitty job, to get some money for records and bars, holidays, and to pay taxes for the government so they could continue to fund the war, slavery and deep sadness?
What the artists could do? We can share our views and to courage to go deeper outside the dark system (matrix), but so many of us are just happy how things are; doing gigs for fun, socializing for fun, and not really caring how things actually are behind the curtains. I have seen it, and experienced it by myself with my shared views and thoughts how the art/music community (which I assumed could be open minded and supporting) doesn't really care shit about going deeper to anything else except for more gigs, bars, records, job, and all kind of superficial things. Maybe people go deeper inside their head, but nothing is happening and actually coming out. Do we see the open mindness or just the waves of artificial woke madness? The satanic mind set is attractive and easy way, because there's no need to care about the world, life, freedom and real happiness. Artificially created society with morally corrupt hearts and minds are trending strongly, through the popular culture, alternative media, education, religions, governments, news, etc - you name it! It's everywhere - even in the underground.
I have seen how these foggy minded slaves are ready to attack immediately and fast if someone dares to open his/her mouth and to say something what is actually true and against their artificial luciferian world view. Even a wrong question can be enough. It's a sad propaganda product(ion), growing into sickness, which they want to normalize so that their masters could be happy (no worries about the vast majority of people, who have still some soul left). The wokeshit governmental propaganda machine wants to shake people's minds and to make it crawl in the mud of psyops until their souls are gone (and disappeared faaaaar away into the dark place, where the elemental monsters can eat and suck them).
31st December 2023
The last day of this year. This year of a lot of changes, this crazy year, this strange year. This year when Israel's Zionist's psychopatic evil army is destroying the life of Palestinians (and it still continues). This lunatic time, when USA are supporting this evilness, when EU is doing nothing to stop it. It looks like it was planned to become like that. No one can wipe off the Zionist's will - no one in the governments, UN or whatever big so-called important organizations. This is total madness, and against humanity. There are evil non-human forces in control to make this destruction possible. Does these people behind the decisions even know that? Are they just manipulated, since their birth... via mind control systems? Whatever it is, it's sick and doesn't belong to this planet. It needs to wiped out and to be sent into the abyss of space.
The new UTON album "What On Earth Are We Doing Here" - is touching that same subject - and available in early 2024 (by International Cheeses). What are we, and what on earth are we dreaming about. The album title is also a small tribute to Mark Passio's website What On Earth Is Happening, which I highly recommend for anyone who happens to read this post. There's a lot of recorded podcasts and video material, where Mark speaks about several subjects concerning about the state of humans, humanity and the spirituality. Astrotheology, secret societies, human psyche, satanism, anarchism, psy-ops etc. A LOT OF STUFF!
The new YKSI album (which is my harsh noise project) is called "Ultrasensory Exploration", which will be released also in early 2024 (by Freak Animal). My touch in the world of harsh noise doesn't dive into the common dark and heavy aspects of the genre (such as satanism, horror, sicknesses, hate, nihilism) but more likely into the "other realms". Track titles "Multidimensional Exploration", "Invisible Extraterrestrials", "Holographic Universe", "Ultrasensory Overflow" already tell what's this thing is about (but it should still give huge tons of free associations to the listeners).
From these news, not too far to jump to another big inspiration of recent few years: Jordan Maxwell. He passed away in 2022, and left a huge collections of recorded lectures, interviews and texts behind him. He made his research since the end of 50's, and was one of the greatest in the "rabbit hole" scene (what comes to Occultism, secret societies, religions, human origins, governmental connections, etc). There's plenty of his works to check at his website https://jordanmaxwellshow.com/ (the website jordanmaxwell.com is not his, but someone else making business of his works, it seems). Also the XVONE channel on Youtube has a lot of material to listen. Take a visit and go through couple of hours before doing the judgement.
21st October 2023
Few months ago I took off the Uton albums from the Bandcamp's marketplace (you can see more about that here). Streaming is still available but purchases available at the moment via Discogs or by email (better way, no extra fees). Digital copies are still available on demand - so write an email and give a list of albums which you would like to get, and I will send you the download codes. Donations are very welcome, but not necessary.
But the crazy thing here is, that since I moved away from Bandcamp, the digital and physical sales stopped totally. I am offering a way to get my albums without the fees to pay to big companies, but that's somehow doesn't feel an interesting way for potential customers. It might be just too difficult to make an order with email.
I've been working with the recordings from 2022-2023 lately. A lot of stuff, almost too much to handle. It's becoming messy in my head, how to keep all that organized - but in last few weeks I've managed to add some of the tracks to "albums" for potential releases, but there's still more that stuff in process. And all the time (weekly, monthly) coming more newer recordings to work with... and not only UTON material.
Still struggling about how to release all this material. Self-released editions can be fun to make, but at the same time very difficult to find a way to promote these properly. It's a frustrating thing to first work for some release and to actually publish it, and then just to find out that only few of your friends actually noticed it. Of course the "music" of UTON can be a bit challenging, not very economically ideal for any label, but still I would say the quality is not so bad.
New Grykë Pyje album should be out in next year... and an album which we made with other project name and with a third member (more about that later). First YKSI CD should be out at next year as well (or even earlier).
10th January 2023
Happy new year everybody. Not much to say now, but please follow the link and hear what´s going on:
15th November 2022
6 months later... what´s happening? More records coming? Yes and no. A lot of Uton material in works, couple of albums. But the double-cassette will be released in December, that´s totally great. It will be a small edition, and coming out from Ikuisuus. Some special artwork coming with it (more about that a bit later).
New YKSI recordings made during this year, another release OR releaseeees coming out one day. One more noise based project also started, solo unit again; probably more opionated than my other projects. Not sure what´s happening to these recordings. Many labels are already booked for the whole year of 2023, and even more labels doesn´t ever answer back so they probably doesn´t even want to listen the demos.
The demo-business thing is actually the worst part of the creation process. It doesn´t actually have anything to do with the art itself, it´s just self-promotion and trying to "sell" the idea for someone who might be enough excited to make a physical album out of it. I would need a manager for this job, but I cannot pay, so should I continue dreaming ;D (well, few euros I could pay + provision from the made record deal).
Frustration starts when there´s plenty of finished works, but not a proper channel to release it. Surely I could just upload to Bandcamp, so it could be easily forgetten - or to make another cdr or cassette release by myself, just to realize that my marketing skills are awful, and that I have difficulties to find a distro/shop outside of my home for these releases. I think I am done with the label stuff for some while, just cannot anymore. Much of work, doing the artworks for hours, music even more (if it´s about own music), making the sleeves, cutting, gluing etc. and BAM! nothing much happens. So - a good manager/promoter please!
Well, that´s about some complaining. Just telling the facts how it goes nowadays with all that. Cannot stop making music... or "music"... or just noise without music. It just comes and I help it to be possible.
I have made the website for my artworks, it´s finally there. A lot of drawings, painting etc starting from the end of 90´s. I was most active around 2002-2009 but still doing new works nowadays.
28th April 2022
Lots of new things in works. Uton has a double-album looking for a label. That material was recorded in the first half of 2021 - psychedelic electronic music with some sequenced "beats". Hopefully it find its home during this year.
Another new album, sampler based droney loops and rhythms, moving very slowly. Some could probably describe it even 'industrial', but it's more likely a trippy collage to the depths of the hidden nature and earth.
Another in works... darker guitar noise/drone works with electronic drones. This one will have a special guest from France on some guitar tracks.
Another album... made already in the end of 2020, but not yet totally mixed or mastered. This one is based to the "dark secret societies" - mimimal and dark sound also; not a new age heaven. Slightly based to the book of Robert Sepehr: 1666 Redemption Through Sin.
Kryptinen Käki might have its first album released one later this year. Or is it Zmnwa? Do you know these fellows? Field recordings from Turku (Finland) + improvised acoustic guitar with some eccentric vocals (without words). No label for this one yet.
New Grykë Pyje album almost finished... this will be out in 2023 (or who knows...) + EP coming also. More rhythm oriented sound this time - but still a loooot of details and other sounds as well!
Some Kongkong material from the past still waiting to be released. Will be out through Magma Tones one day. The last material probably, 1 or 2 albums, and these are the most noisy things so far (of KK catalogue).
Uton / Bardo Todol collaboration album recorded and going to be released on tape (2022 if lucky!). I have known Pablo (=BT) since the early 2000, but we have never met physically. He lives far away from Finland, and I live far away from Argentina - but we have been connected during all these years (more or less), and we already made some collaboration together few years ago (with his group Ø+yn). Our music was improvised mostly with acoustic instruments (trumpet, violin etc), and there's a lot of background sounds going on as well (crickets, birds, footsteps...).
New YKSI album also recorded/mastered, and going to be out very soon! More YKSI sounds in works. Harsh noise continues :)
21st February 2022
Life goes on, strange days continuing. We start to see some other views in mainstream medias sometimes, carefully dropped, as like if they are starting to agree that the governmental Covid strategies & logics are not really making sense anymore (did they ever, probably not!). During these times I've realized how corrupted our government workers are, political groups are nearly all just bowing to the leaders of the higher systems, the elite... WEF, NWO etc. Not going to speak more about that; there's plenty to read about in other places (written by people who are actually doing their research well and writing properly also).
As an artist, I made an album with my YKSI project, which is called 'Liberté! Liberté!' - it's a harsh noise experiment with the anti-covid pass protest sounds from Paris, France. Surely I knew that most of the people are not too happy to see this type of release, or my personal compassion to these protests - but I was actually quite surprised how many are actually totally against of this album/compassion/attitude. There has been only very very few showing me some understanding to this. For the rest I am a freak spreading misinformation (because they themselves are the victims of the propaganda, brainwashed to believe what big newspapers are saying, what the government says, corrupted doctors & health officials... - of course we can expect that type of behaving from people, it's widely visible).
There are mandatory vaccinations going on, and that seems to be just fine for most of the people! If you're against, you are a freak or idiot; what a crazy society is this! Mandating these experimental "vaccines" (=gene therapies) to the citizens is TOTALLY wrong. It's like those in charge doesn't have empathy anymore (did they ever have?); they don't care about the serious side-effects & deaths of these "vaccines" .... they are total psychos, leading us to chaos and misery (civil wars maybe?). Their rule is fascism, a totalitarian barbaric system. And what the anti-fascistic organizations or human rights organizations are doing? THEY ARE WITH THEM, with the fascistic evil psychos! Bloody hell, someone could say.
... and another video link here just in case if you're interested and open minded to hear (probably if you are, you already listened that):
29th December 2021
The world is wild with corrupted politics, health organizations and their leaders and workers, media, doctors etc 'black magic' - just keeping the propaganda of pandemia on, so that they can rule the way they dreamed. Crazy time, dangerous fake-vaccinations, side effects, deaths...
Those type of views doesn't give the applauds from friends and followers, more likely opposite. That's how it goes; sadly.
Both Facebook and Instagram are doing their algorithms, controlling what the followers can see. If the posts are not fine with the guidelines (=their opinions about what's the truth = the paid or forced/blackmailed propaganda/narrative) - the posts are not getting the visibility. This made me to delete the Uton FB page, and in last few weeks I've seen the worst from Instagram: shadowbanning my posts & stories, so it's basically no sense to continue to post anything seriously (over 250 followers, just 1-3 seeing the stories).
So it looks like the time of those type of Social Medias are over (at least for me). I might keep those open for a while, but not really dreaming to see it going any better. There are some alternative places, like Telegram, the brand new Somega, etc. But those places are not yet known enought for serious "promotions".
Ideally it would be the best to just make and produce the new music, and then to release it, and to get enough views for the news that the new artwork/album actually exists. I don't have the right tools for that; or if I have, I don't know how to use those - or probably I am not enough motivated to learn that stuff. I am always dreaming to have the labels doing the promo job, releasing the material and keeping the media side rolling - but very often I don't have that desired energy to keep looking for the labels, so I am just releasing by myself on Magma Tones. The editions are small, just 10-20 nowadays. The new albums are widely ignored, after the first week it all just kind of disappeared. I am dreaming to have my small edition album released again PROPERLY - but are the labels really interested of doing that? Are they more into totally new and unreleased material? Might be both ways - but whatever it is, I am quite out.
At the moment I have couple of new Uton albums nearly finished. Those might be available in 2022 - hopefully released on some good labels. New harsh noise album by Yksi as well. Zmnwa's second album in a theme of 'Kiss my Turku'. New Gryke Pyje album on Mappa/Nonlocal Research (LP/double CS) + new recordings as well (the fifth album). Then even more new Uton material, which just started - and might be finished in next few months. I am producing music all the time, if not physically doing it, then at least thinking about it and moving it to some directions. It goes with life.
Uton might be a boring dinosaur already for the potential listeners (except those few fans who still after years are happily buying almost everything what I am releasing. THANKS A LOT!) - but I feel that Uton is not yet over, it's not dead, it's not boring, it's still fresh and sounding good, still inspiring, experimental after all these years. That's why I cannot just stop doing this; it's not possible.
Let's see how the life goes. We all hope that the Covid madness will end soon. Some are wishing the best in a sense as the government likes us to think - and some like me included are hoping to see the end of this propaganda game ruled by the psychopathic members of the elite (and their brainwashed slaves).
Have a great 2022! FREEDOM & PEACE FOR EVERYONE! No to Tyranny!
23rd December 2020
Mindblowing information about Sabbatean-Frankist & Illuminati History. Robert Sepher's book is really an interesting thing to read. Plenty of more video material available on 'tube about Sabbatean movement (created by pseudo-messiah Sabbatai Zevi) and Frankism (Jacob Frank; who told to be the reincarnation of Sabbatai) ... and the connection to the Illuminati... and more.
25th October 2020
Excellent documentary movie Thrive is a good thing to watch. It was released in 2011 - but still topical. Also in French - Spanish - Russian, and probably some other languages too.
"THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's
REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream --
uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of
our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and
activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented
and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future." - https://www.thriveon.com/
Thrive II was released recently, in 2020. No free streaming available, but it's possible to rent or buy directly from their website https://www.thriveon.com/thrive-ii-this-is-what-it-takes
edited 25th October 2020
A lot of new recordings are on the way to be released, as you may read from the News page. I started to record with modular synth systems, and then mixed all kind of other stuff to the same tracks - like field recordings, which I recorded earlier at the summer time (mostly), with 20€ microphone which is plugged to the smartphone. That's quite a cheap & lo-fi system, but so far it's been enough for me. It's been really enjoyable and interesting to play with those modular synths... adjusting some while and hearing how the sound is changing, and later it's like playing itself, randomly turning on some stuff and waving and rolling etc. Technically I am still largely out about that world, but it doesn't really matter as long as the sound is interesting and good. That stuff, mixed to the New/NOW Age transcendental mind system; and the soup is ready to be offered (just wait... little bit).
Lately I've been very interested of the Cobain-case, after watching the Benjamin Statler's & Tom Grant's documentary Soaked in Bleach, which tells about how Kurt Cobain's death quite surely wasn't a suicide - all the evidences are against that. So, after that, I went to Youtube, and found a lot more information (or basically same, but many people speaking), and it's surely very very interesting subject. I made a public playlist where I added couple of videos about what's going on, check HERE
There's plenty of stuff to read & watch... Also channels The Observer
NEWS 31.1.2020 : American Spy Fox had Tom Grant in his town, they were going to make an interview to ASF channel, but that didn't work out. Lots of boring stuff around that... and now it looks like ASF doesn't really offer anything creative to this whole picture. We might hear something from Tom, let's see.
Also, last one year, my greatest inspirations have been the teachings of Dr. Joe Dispenza and Esther-Abraham Hicks. Both about the same stuff but shown in a different context. Strongly spiritual (and scientific also!) and mindblowing. Highly recommened for open minded searchers. There's plenty of excellent material available in Youtube.